
Well, my days went by a dizzying pace
I was always running to and fro
And then before I even knew where I was
Off to dreamland I would go

But now I realize that a day of my life
Is the price I must pay for tomorrow
You have taught me to treasure every day
With its joy and its sorrow

You know that I'm the one who's always being swept away
Always torn apart
How I wish that there was something I could do for you
Simply from my heart
Darling, at the close of day
silently for love we'll pray

Now night has finally come to the busy city sky
Where quietly the moon is shining down
On the paths of people hurrying home
She sheds her light all around

And in this heart of mine your love is shining down
It's lighting up my future and my past
That is the reason I'm living now
Treating each day as my last

And if you want to know the reason I'm crying, dear
It's cause I love you so
How I wish that there was something I could do for you
Just to let it show
Darling, at the close of day, silently for love we'll pray

Tomorrow 's just a dream away
close the curtain on today

其他文章共 23 篇

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