

in a big coffe shop
the importances are coffe, chairs and cigarettes
the art on the walls are there for the chairs
the tables on the floor are there for the coffe
the clear glass cups are there for the cigarette
i'm the one of the most important light ball
most lightly, no one will find this big coffe shop
u know why?
its coz im the light ball, and i'm shinning like the sun
i usually hope to swing a little bit...just to feel the wind
but i wouldnt know would i?
coz im the light ball
i cant see myself in a mirror during the dark, but if i light up, i still cant see myself!
gosh, someone just ordered a cup of coffe
while she was paying....she took a peek of look around the hall
for some reason, i was so happy and swinging at the same time
i felt i was close to GOD
but once again, i was wrong!
GOD dont exist!
u cant never ever believe in a cup of coffe
u dont exist there, i dont exist there
all we can do is drink a little coffe, knock a little of the glass cup
im just the same with that cup, and so as u
we all dont exist


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