

It's me again insignificant me again
Just me again and my broken heart
How can I love again
Now she’s gone again
I’m on that ship again
Called the sinking heart

Oh I am so lonely
I’m the man who would kill for love I’d kill for love
Oh I’m a phoney Valentino
The man who would kill for man who would kill for
Man who would kill for love

So I begin again in all the wrong again
The types of bar again so full of charm
I buy the drinks again for the thousand
Girls again
In the hope again I’ll find another you

Oh I am so lonely
I’m the man who would kill for man who would kill for
Man who would kill for love

So I begin again
Begin again
Begin again
Right form the start

Begin again
Begin again
Begin again
Back to the drawing board

Oh I am so lonely
I’m the man who would kill for love I’d kill for love
Oh I’m a phoney Valentino

The man who would kill for man who
Would kill for
Man who would kill for love


其他文章共 181 篇

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