Hav u ever thought about....wt is yr real character. some of our characteristor are develop based on your background and culture. Some of that might based on yr genetic genes which are heritated by yr parents. I wonder wt am I really like under all this restrictions of society....

I am kind ofn self-destructive person...
I would actually harm myself in some ways when there is sth too frustrating for me to bear...
Sometimes...I dunno how to express myself.....my real side to the others'..........
coz ppl has no responsibility to bear all yr sadnesses or frustration...rite?!
and that's y I kept that all to myself sometimes.....
I wanted to cry..... however, I forgot how to... I would just put a smile all da time, even thou I am sad or depress....coz I dun wanna spread my fucking depression around... there is no point ma....
how abt u guys?

hav u ever feel in the way that u r left alone in the world..... nth else but u alone?
hav u ever felt this way? if so...did u ever cried a bit for that? don't u find it abit daunting?
i do sometimes....
but I still enjoy to be alive on earth.... it is fun.........
life is juz like a game sometimes...........
There is lots of loses n wins within life.............
however, U hav only got one live to go.......................

stay on it and be cool! Ready for wt u deserve!!!!!!!!!
add oil guys~

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