
我以前好努力 但我地已經冇價值 勁大壓力 辛苦到極 我飯都唔想食 以前唔知想點 諗起都幾唔掂 成日去鑽牛角尖 唔走肯定人都癲
再見說句 再見說句說句 再見永遠再見 再見永遠 不再見 重覆一遍 我地 我地兩個 互不拖欠 今晚開始我地以後唔駛相見
我唔駛俾面 你唔駛討厭 byebye 再見 都係唔好見
in the days were lovers I thought we'd be together
forever our hearts up in heaven but i never realised...
that your lov was just fake all i did was give and give...
and all you did was take let's take a break is what
you said to me a decision that you made so you can break free
now I see the trueness the crulness of the end I guess we're just better off


其他文章共 20 篇

短篇故事:9篇, 隨筆:5篇, 歌曲:3篇, 其他:3篇

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