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If seasons were emotions, Autumn would be all about memories - sharing, caring & being with friends and family! Don't u think so? Spring's about love, Summer's fun, & Winter's all about warmth! When summer says adieu - suddenly there's a nip in the air, and before we even realize it, the Autumn winds are turning the leaves aflame and there's a crispness in the air! The vibrant leaves of Fall are the messengers of a new season, a new beginning, a new hope, and joy of being together with those we love.
What I love most about Fall are the leaves - the bright reds, gorgeous gold & fiery orange! When we were kids my sis & I would jump into piles of leaves and scatter them all around in a spray of colors!
Somewhere I read, "Autumn's a second spring & every leaf's a flower"! Glorious Autumn leaves & flowers that's sure to brighten your day!


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    Autumn (02年11月)
    Regarding Ding Dong (02年10月)
    You look beautiful (02年10月)
    I miss you (02年9月)
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    Why Worry (02年4月)
    She walks in beauty (01年11月)
    叮噹的結局(轉載) (01年11月)

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