
Well, today I finally got my mattress, but his attitude I really couldnt stand it, so I finally make a complaint and send it online. I really get pissed off by that, but anyways it is over. I m okay with it.
Today I really want to talk about those three personal trainers. Hahahahahaa I can see them all at the same time today when I was in the GYM around 6:30pm. Finally I gave the gifs to Jonathan and Morris.

Clayton J ---- This guy has a gf, and he knows that I do like him a lot, and I told him that I really do want to be with him, but cuz he got a gf, then I dont want to be with him. I dont like to destory pplz's stuffs. I m a nice woman thou. Clayton told me to say Hallo to Morris, but I say no, and he asked why not, I said I dont even know him at all, how can I say hi to him. Then he says "Morris u know what I have been thinking personal trainer and I want u to be my personal trainer" Then I said "NO", and then we all laughing to each other.

Morris ---- I barely know this guy, and I just talked with him, and this is my first time to speak to him. I asked someone to give the gift to him, and then finally when I was leaving, I walked up to him. I was smiling at him, and he said "TINA?????" First I didnt say anything at all, then I say"How do u know I am Tina?" He said "Well, I just want to respone" Then on my way out I finally say "Yes I m, I m Tina, I see u later." then he says "Thank you" I saw Morris all the time in GYM, but I never talked with him before. And I was trying to know what's his name. Finally I got a chance that Clayton and Morris both are here, and I know that Clayton knows what's his name. that's why I know what's his name.

Jonathan ---- First time I saw him it was on Friday afternoon, when I saw him, I totally like him a lot. I was talking to myself that I really trying to get a chance to talk with him, but I finally didnt cuz I m really SHY. Then one day I was talking to Troy and then I see him, and then I was laughing, and then he said "How are u?" then he went upstair and then came back right down. Then I asked him "are u Johnny? ur name? What's ur name?" Then he said "My name is Jonathan. What u need a personal trainer???" I said "NO, I m just asking". then he said "If u need one I will be ur back" then I said "OK". Then he came down again after I worked out, and I was talking to Troy again, then u said "U better sign up a contract, otherwise I sign u out" then I say "U dont even know my name how can u sign me out" then he came up to me and say "are u member or the employee here?" I said "Member" Then he said "Hi I m Jonathan, what's ur name?" We were shaking our hands, I said "I m not going to tell u" he said "WHY NOT". then Troy told him that my name is Tina, then I said "Come On" then he said "OK I see u around. He will be here on Friday from 3pm to 9pm. heheheheh ^_^

Well these three personal trainers I really do like them all, but I cant be with them all at one time, although I want to, but I dont want to do that, so I would love to be their friends, we get along pretty well thou. ^o^

Today I m really happy. I thought about getting a personal trainer, but it is really too expensive, but finally I didnt get one at all. If I really do that, I dont know which one do I want. I will pick either MOrris Or Jonathan I dont know. hehehehehe ^_^


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