

1. Most attractive features of a guy are:

tall...not too skinny...n most important is their taste of a human being!!

2. Would you date anyone out of your race?

Chances are, very slim

3. Do you like older younger or same age guys?

I’d take both. But if older, maximum age limit is 4-5 years.

4. Would you date a guy who smokes?

sure...y not? i mean i smoke da fuck outt myself everyday!! LoL+

5. Does he have to be rich?

not necessarily...but it would be nice though!

6. Do you prefer taller shorter or same height of a guy?

shorter = fuck NO
same height = not even gonna consider
taller = GREAT!

7. Do you like guys with facial or without?


8. Would you want a guy that is or not is a virgin?

i guess would be fun to sleep with a virgin..but it is very hard to find.... (No offense boyz!)

9. Name important things you look for in a guy:

Oh , personalities and characteristics, blah blah blah?!

10. Would you date a guy your friend likes or used to like?

DEFINITELY NO....damn...im not a slut!!
n plus...good fd is real hard to find these dayz...
i dont want nothin to ruin it..especially a guy!

11. Short or long hair guy?

Only short will be consider!

12. Honestly, when it comes down to dating a person, do looks really matter?

That depends... i guess it really about those personality shit...he has to be a very nice person! n fun...u know...keep da refreshing feelin of dayz!

13. Do you believe in love at first sight?

not really...

14. Biggest turnoffs from a guy?

Shallowness...MK look....big mouth to talk shit dat he cant even understand!
basiclly a fake personality!

15. Do you want a guy who would pay for everything?

sure sure sure! right on! ...LOL
its not like im in 4 da money...but these dayz...really really hard to find a man dat would pay for everything dat we do together!
they all selfish n shit...most men in USA is juz poor
but back in HK...men would save their greedy lil money to buy shit which would be "old fashion" tomorrow!!
What a LOSER!

16. Do you think we girls should open car doors ourselves?

sure...show our independence!
but sometimez...gentelmen...u need to get off ur lazy ass..n open da damn door 4 us (ex. da prom night!)

17. Do you think college is a must?

i perfer a "YES"...no offense...but how would i be able to talk to u if u r clueless?
i would juz dump a guy if he is not smart enough or juz uknowledge!!

18. Do you date guys like the one you described or is it just a description not a reality?

its hard to find..but i think i found mine!...good luck galz!

19. Would you go out with a guy that was not at all popular?

depens...sometimez popular guyz r trouble..u know..but i guess every gal wantz a man dat everybody like...juz to make other galz envy!
but me...i would date someone less popular...coz those ppl r da most interesting!...popular guyz...haha..their lives r ppl's joke...everyone knows everything about them!...no fun!

20. What is your ideal guy?

havent find him...no one seem to be perfect!

but i do like Brandon Boyd a lot!!!!


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