
Can I be at your side forever ?
I should let you go knowing you are tired
Like before, I should not let you wait anymore
With you by me everyday, you became my world
If you do not believe I'll be able to protect you
Then please look for someone better than me
I wonder how much time is left
Till I have to let you go
Seeing you sleeping in my arms
It hurts me more but I have to let you go
Because I'm not good enough
You are my only love
And you will find someone better than me
Even if you are able to leave me earlier
I hope you would not leave so soon
As I want to see a happier you leaving
I cried on the way back wishing you will remember me
I'm afraid I will give up on life
So I hope I can forget you but I cannot
You have been so sad because you had to leave me
Do you regret ?
Please remember to believe in me
My hurting heart calls out to you
I hope you will be there to hold me when I fall
I love you and hope you will be mine forever
The sad look of your face when you leave
I hope that will become a dream
Promise me to come back to me

其他文章共 9 篇

短篇故事:1篇, 歌曲:8篇

最新公開文章 :     promise (05年1月)
    在我的背上有翅膀 (02年6月)
    除了妳誰都不愛  (02年6月)
    Mou kimi igai aisenai (02年6月)
    愛情年齡....test... (02年6月)
    《to Heart》 (02年5月)
    To Heart (02年5月)
    你知道的我並不是原來真正的我 (02年5月)
    《I for You》 Luna Sea (02年5月)

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