

Sorry, I Just Couldn't Make It
Fell in love
In Chicago . . .
Doing homework.
It felt like I fell off a building,
Or passed out after a day of fasting.
It hit me as hard as not finding a parking place at dinnertime.
Do you see the sleep lines of my face?
I obviously have still not recovered
Because I can't find my shoes,
All my clothes are dirty,
And I don't have anything to wear.
My heart has been taken hostage,
And I can't stop dialing for help.
I feel I've been abducted by aliens.
I wake up and can't walk.
I've got 24-hour amnesia
All the time.
I know I'm in Chicago, but
Am I still in love?
Samantha Lampert

Copyright ©2004 Samantha Lampert


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