
I hate love,
I used to be loved by and love my family.
Well, I thought.
But I don't anymore.
As I grow up, I can see more and more truth are poping up.
Who the hell said men are kind?
I don't think so, darings.
Love is selfish and foolish!
Look at the young teens acting like childrens and asking for hugs and kisses from daddy and mummy.
It really makes me sick and wanted to beat them up. Why can't you stand up for yourself and learn to be an adult?
Why do you still acting like a fool?
You really think they love you?
Girls, watch out! Some daddy don't love you, THEY LOVE YOUR BODY ONLY!
I must say that I am a man too, just like many thousands of other human male. Our brain is always think of sexual relationship with female, but it is because of our HORMONE!
I really don't think youngsters, especially males can tell if they love their girl or their body.
But I can!
And that's why I don't wanna fell in love.
I know how to control myself!
Reason for that are:
1. I don't wanna get myself hunt and hunt someone elas.
2. My family breaks my soul already. I don't wanna go through that feeling again, really don't...
3. I don't know...
4. I really don't know why. I don't wanna hunt anyone 'cause I want to leave it to myself. LOVE SOFTENS MY HEART and I don't want it happen.
But I cam still be a happy, well, looks happy in front of you.I don't want you think I am trying to act cool, which many stupid fools do in front of their opposite sex. worthless

Love your grandmu and grandpu,please~
They worked hard for many years and they are just like childrens now, need your love. They will be gone very soon. Please don't hurt their heart. THEY ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD THAT ALWAYS LOVE YOU!
I missed my grandpu.
And I really love him.
But I can't see his smile anymore...


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