
No I didn't trust him
But he rushed me to feel
Tried me mesmerize to me
With his all sex appeal

Told me everything
That I was longing to hear
Shine and handsome
My souvenir

And then all of sudden
I have fallen in love
He would put me down
But I still place him above

Tired of searching for the love
That still lives in him
Given my everything
Like a souvenir

Given up my heart
In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain
He could feel every drop
Now I know I have
Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

Given up my heart
In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain
He could feel every drop
Now I know I have
Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

Ie become invisible
I melt away at night
Dreams for once so colorful
Become black and white

Loving once so wonderful
Is no longer here
So I keep this feeling
Like a souvenir

Given up my heart
In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain
He could feel every drop
Now I know I have
Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

Given up my heart
In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain
He could feel every drop
Now I know I have
Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

Given up my heart
In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain
He could feel every drop
Now I know I have
Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

Given up my heart
In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain
He could feel every drop
Now I know I have
Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

其他文章共 21 篇

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