
Success is.....
Attitude,more than aptitude.
Being happy,with who you are.
Cultivating,body,mind and spirit.
Discovering,that heaven is within.
Embracing,the unknown with enthusiasm.
Facing fear,finding faith.
Giving,without remembering.
Here now,breathe into each moment.
Inside you,not in people ,places or things.
Journeying,from the head to the heart.
Knowing,your beliefs create your experiences.
Letting go,and going with the flow.
Making time,for family,friends and forgivenese.
Never ever giving up,on your hopes and dreams.
Opening your heart,to magnificent possibilities.
Passion,playfulness and peace of mind.
Quiet time,the key to inspired living.
Receving,without forgetting.
Seeking answers, questioning beliefs.
Trusting,in the beauty of your feelings and needs.
Understanding,the best you can do is always enough.
A Verb,choreograph your dance with desting.
Willingness,to learn from everything that happens.
Xpressing yourself,be the hero of your own story.
Yours to define,how do you want to be remembered?
Zestful living,loving and laughing.


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