Chapter 5

“Doctor, is she all right?” Benjamin asked the doctor about Francis.
“I cannot check out what’s wrong with her, but I would try to find out it.” The doctor told Benjamin.
Francis’ hand started to move.
“Francis? Francis? Can you hear me?” Benjamin was worried about Francis. Her eyes began to open.
“Doctor! She is awake!” Benjamin was happy to see Francis to wake up again.
“Then I don’t disturb you, call me if you have any problems.” The doctor said as he went out.
“Are you all right, Francis? What’s happen to you?” Asked Benjamin when Francis woke up.
“I don’t know, I just felt my head was very painful.” Francis said.
“OK, don’t think about that anymore, I really worry about you, go and sleep well, I don’t disturb you.” Benjamin told Francis as he went out.
Francis thought about his word “I really worry about you”, what was it mean? She didn’t want to think about love, but it seemed Benjamin fell in love with Francis.
“I cannot think about that, I have my husband and son.” Francis tried not to think about it, but it appeared in her mind. For these days in 2000, she fell in love with him……
Francis didn’t sleep well in the hospital that night. She didn’t know why her head was that painful. She thought if her own world 2050 called her to go back to her world.

A week later, the doctors still could not find out the true that make Francis’ head painful, so they let Francis to go home. Carol was a bit happier than before, but she still could not forget how her mother died.
“Is she all right now?” Francis asked Benjamin about Carol.
“She is a bit happier, but still we have to pay attention on her.” Benjamin said.
“I will……” Francis said as her head got painful again.
“Your head get painful again?” Asked Benjamin. Francis nodded.
“I should send you to a better hospital.” Said Benjamin.
Francis thought a while and said, “that won’t work, you’d better call a scientist to come.” Francis thought that her headache must had been made by her own world 2050.
“You mean call a scientist to solve your headache?” Benjamin didn’t know why Francis wanted him to call a scientist.
“Yes, be quick!” Francis’ head was too painful that she could not wait anymore.
“OK, I am now calling a scientist, wait……” Said Benjamin as he called a scientist.

The scientist came and try to know what’s wrong with her. He soon knew that Francis wasn’t the same kind of people as them.
“Who are you? You are not the same kind as ours!” The scientist asked Francis.
“I came from 2050 by a car accident. I know very well that my own world is calling me to go back. Can you help me?” Asked Francis.
Then Benjamin interrupted, “you mean you have to go back to your own world?”
“She came from 2050, so she cannot stay here, she must go back to her own world.” Said the scientist.
“OK, scientist, can you help me to go back to 2050? I cannot let my head to be that painful anymore!”
“I haven’t try to do that before, but I would try. Come to my office tomorrow and I would work my machine to bring you back to 2050.” Said the scientist.
“Thank you.” Said Francis.
After that, the scientist gone.
“Why didn’t you told me what you want to do before you asked me to call the scientist? If I know that before, I wouldn’t call the scientist to come.” Said Benjamin with depress.
“I know that you would not call the scientist if I told you this before.” Francis told him.
“You know that I love you and I won’t let you go away!” Said Benjamin as he hugged Francis.
Francis cried and said, “I came from 2050 and so I must leave. I cannot stay here for my whole lifetime……”
“Francis!” Benjamin called her name as he hugged her harder.
After a while, Benjamin said, “go sleep well and you have to go to the scientist tomorrow.” After that, Benjamin went out of her room and closed her door.
Both of them could not sleep that night. They both loved each other but Francis could not stay and Benjamin could not go.

The next day came, Francis had to go to the scientist and she might leave Benjamin forever. In the whole journey, they didn’t talk. Francis wanted to cry but she knew that she should not do that. At last, they reached the scientist’s office.
“We have come already, open the door please.” Benjamin called the scientist.
“Wait.” The scientist came to open the door. “Come in.”
“I think that I can help you to go back to your own world 2050.” The scientist told Francis.
Francis didn’t say a word. She sat in the elevator that the scientist invented.
“I am going to send you back to your world, if you have anything to say to Benjamin, say it now. You may not have any chance later.” The scientist told her.
Benjamin came upon her and asked, “have you ever love me?” Francis nodded as her tears dropped from her eyes. Benjamin said, “thank you.”
Then Francis said, “can you help me to look after my mother Carol after I have gone? She didn’t have any relatives here anymore.”
“Certainly.” Said Benjamin as his tears started to drop.
“I want to have a piece of chocolate, Benjamin.”
“Here you are.” Benjamin took out a piece of chocolate for Francis. He saw her eating the chocolate.
At last the scientist said, “OK, it’s time for Francis to go now.” Benjamin walked back as he saw her disappeared.
He cried out, “I would wait you until you come again!”

其他文章共 30 篇

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