"; } ?>

Maybe I hang around here a little more than I should
We both know I got somewhere else to go
But I got something to tell you that I never thought I would
But I believe you really ought to know
I love you I honestly love you
You don't have to answer
I see it in your eyes
Maybe it was better left unsaid
But this is pure and simple,
and you must realise
That it's somein' form my heart and not my head
I love you I honestly love you
I'm not tryin' to make you feel uncomfortable
I'm not tryin' to make you anything at all
But this feeling doesn't come along every day
And you shouldn't blow the chance when you'v got the chance to say
I love you I love you
I honestly love you
If we both were born in another place and time
This moment might be ending in a kiss
But there you are with yours,
and here I am with mine
So I guess we'll just be leavin' it at this
I love you I honestly love you
I honestly love you

其他文章共 9 篇

短篇故事:2篇, 歌曲:6篇, 其他:1篇

最新公開文章 :     若要人不知 (01年5月)
    Hello (01年5月)
    真正的和普通的 (01年4月)
    I Honestly Love You (01年3月)
    左右手 (01年3月)
    枕頭 (01年3月)
    呢首歌o既詞寫得好靚~~~~~ (01年2月)
    古今賣友記 (00年11月)
    TESTING (00年11月)

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