i dunno u unhappy ..
but sometimes really feel u so silly ar..
to iceriver& ah wei..
they so bad ..
ng佩u good to them
but i thk me say wt tao mo use gar lar...
u still will gar lar..
but dim tao ho lar..
u think think lar..
think clear d lar.......
i dun want u gam silly
awlays give ppl hurt & cheat u ar
be smart lar...
about she,all thing is reject lar..
so taht..we r nth can say lar..
tao ng ho gam "chi sin" lar...
she think clear d lar..
later she will know ga lar...
dun thk she too much lar..
u hv u ge life
ur in 2 different world gar...
u can't understnd she
she also can't understand u
so u & she 's met is the wrong
but all is "game"
mo hate mo love lar..
just gam over lar..
hope u know lar..
coz u ng paly lar.....
make it game ove lar..
it is good to u ...


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