ai...many thing tao look like change jo?just my question mar?so bad ar!!!ai...change no more thing to talk lar....u always tao ng talk,I ng want 特登go to 討好u ar...ho 辛苦ar!!I know u now tao ng hai ho want go out with me lar...I dunno that if the truth...but I really feel that lor....maybe our gei distance become far and far lar...U have your life,I have my life...many thing tao different lar...I feel u look like 同情me sin go out with me...其實 u ng 使gam wor....ai....now D feel tao ng g dim gam....u always look like ho ng happy gam....but u yau ng say anything wor...U make me ho 辛苦ar!!
sometimes I dun want say anything,coz I dunno I should say D wt ho...about my thing?no lar...I feel u no interesting lar...u tao ng will put it in your heart lar...I yau afraid u mo interesting to listen lar....talk about u?these time I dunno your thing ar...and u tao mo tell me D wt...maybe u have your reason lar....ok lar...if u happy , that everything is ok lar....maybe this time u tao ng happy lar....I really dunno your thinking lar...really dunno lar....we change duck 愈來愈沉默....maybe hai me make u unhappy lar...I tao know gei...ai....change duck 愈來愈暴燥lar....dim suen?ai....always tao make my fd unhappy ar...how can I do ar?who can tell me ar??want to leave lar...wing wing ar...why u can't fly gar?u so bad lar!!!!


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