
Every Time That You Go By
Boy,You Smile At ME
And You Take My Breath Away

Every Time I Catch Your Eye
I Can See That You've Got
A Whole Lot More To Say

So Don't Be Shy
'Cause I'm Waitting Here
Hoping You'll Open Your Heart
The More I Wait The More I Find
I Can't Get You Off My Mind

Whatever The Season
Wherever I'm Going Through
I'm Always Thinking Of You
'Cause You Are The Reason
For All The That I Say and Do
You've Got To Believe
That It's True

In Big Ways and Small Ways
I'm Always Thinking Of You

How You Do It
I Don't Know
I Keep Having Dreams And
You're All I'm Dreaming Of

Every Day
My Feelings Grow
I Keep Thinking

That Maybe This Is Love
I Was Alone But Now That You're Here
I'm Finally Feeling Alive
The More I Feel The More I find
I Can't Get You Off My Mind

From The Time I Wake Up
Till I Fall Into Bed
I've Got Picture Of You
Runnig The Straight
Through My Head
I Think It's Clear As A.B.C.

That's The Way Love's 'Sposed To Be


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