When I'm lost in the rain, in your eyes I know will find the light to light my way. When I'm scared, losing ground & the world is going crazy; you can turn it all around. When I'm down you're there. Pushing me to the top, you're always there giving me all you've got. For a shield from the storm; For a friend & for a love to keep me safe and warm; For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on, for everything that's true - I turn to U.

其他文章共 8 篇

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最新公開文章 :     SPIDER MAN 3 (07年5月)
    你做得到幾多? (07年1月)
    唔係我寫~ (01年9月)
    I turn to you (01年9月)
    兩年前一封不寄的信 (01年7月)
    對與不對? (01年6月)
    原本係"自我介紹" (01年6月)
    亂寫一通 (1) (01年6月)

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