
Actually this is not a private's love letter....thats just some happen with me recently and my feeling........i feel really bad recently...cause of??......dont wanna to tell really stright.....cause....dont wanna he knows it anyways....i think i like a guy now but not sure.....but i dont know ....he just treat me as friend, that's all....thats fine but recently i know something about him...and thats make me really down and sad..of coz i dont want to let him knows it...whatever..i do care what he think of me so..might be he got a girlfriend now (70% for sure)..thats why i am really sad...anyways....i dont know why i like him...i really want to stop that but i cant control myself..i think its better forget him now cause i am not like him that deep so..Now i am telling myself....STOP like him since now...and i hope i can keep that quote in my mind and dont wanna myself get any hurt or sad from him anymore........i promise myself...=(


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