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Thank you for forwarding the Ding Dong’s story to me. It's indeed a touching story. I love it so much. In fact, Ding Dong is my favorite comic. I read the first Ding Dong’s story when I was 10. For the past years, they never left me. I read throught all their stories with the collection set in my bookshelf. Although the stories are finished and the writer was passed away, 丁噹, 大雄, 靜宜, 亞福, 技安 …. will never fade out of my mind and will stay behind on me forever and ever. Thanks for Mr. 籐子不二雄 for his contribution regarding the Ding Dong’s stories, they are indeed enriching my life, my childhood and brightening my heart.

As a matter of fact, I didn’t like “大雄“ too much. He was lazy, dependent, foolish, jealous...... BUT, the most important point is, he got a peace of mind, an innocent heart. That is what I believe “The one who have “ 赤子之心” and “ 童真” will never be a bad guy.” I have put this words as my principal for selecting friends in my real life.

How pleasure to see that大雄 had a dramatical change in the ending story. He had a great mission to achieve for the past 20 years because of the friendship between himself and Ding Dong. How amazing that he made it with his own effort only.

How wonderful to see LOVE can change something impossible to possible, negative to positive. Maybe you will never believe, I read it over and over and cried for the story.
大雄 is growing up, so am I.



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