"; } ?>

I was reading the letter that you wrote for me. I breathe deeply, it gave me a really touch feeling. I feel really cold today….. The whole day! I miss your hug; I do miss your hug so much, it was really warm, though you also felt cold! Everyone said that I’m idiot and stupid, I admit that…so what? That’s my choice; no one could take the place of you….whoever?! I know that you still like me; miss me somehow…don’t you? Tell me…I need the truth! But you learn to mask your true feeling! What can I do, you should know that I’m still waiting for you, always ready for you…stupid!
Love is….stupid!


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    真正的愛 (02年4月)
    如果愛.... (02年4月)
    Never ever..... (02年3月)
    你的溫度 (02年3月)
    I love you! (02年2月)
    30/1/02 (02年2月)
    27/01/2002 (02年2月)
    我愛上周杰倫~ (02年1月)
    For a secret love..... (01年12月)
    "Dreaming about you" (01年12月)
    感動的歌 (01年12月)
    予盾….. 自欺欺人~ (01年12月)
    "True Love" (01年12月)
    我敢去愛! (01年12月)
    Life~ (01年12月)
    愛一個人原來不易 (01年12月)

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