
actually that was 80% serious and 20% joke..i dont know..but i think ia m serious more than joke so.....i dont know what can i do.......after the say i told you about this, i try to dont talk to you, but i know i cant....i keep look at your name and see when will you online....thats why i decided to online tonight cause i want to talk to you back...i dont know what will you think of me...but i kwno you must really mad at me...thats why i regret what i did...whatever its a joke or serious thing..ihope you can forgive me..(i scare you wont)..so..whatever you will do to me..i will be fine...i can accept...might be you think you dont want to loss me before but now migth be no more after you talk to me tonight...i dont know...now is your choice...if you want me still be your frd, i will and wont do that (selfish) anymore as before..but if you dont want me be your frd anymore, thats ok, and i will know what i have to do..just tell me the answer.every single time i did sth to you, i think i was stupid....do you think so?hai......i know what u feeling cause if you did that to me, i will really sad too....i know i was wrong..i did make a wrong decision, but i already did so...now i hope i can go back the day i told you about that....i feel sad..really...here i say 10000000000000000000000000000 times "sorry" to you...hope you can accept it....

白 羊 座 的 缺 點 :
  缺 乏 耐 性 、 暴 躁 、 衝 動 、 自 私 、 以 自 我 為 中 心 、 尖 酸 刻 薄 、 好 鬥 、 粗 枝 大 葉 而 不 細 心 。

tahts meeeee..they siad it so fit...


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