
☆Lover's Concerto --- Kelly Chen

*How gentle is the rain, that falls softly
on the meadow. Birds high up on the trees,
serenade the clouds with their melodies.*
Repeat *
Oh! See there beyond the hill,
the bright colors of the rainbow.
Some magic from above.
Made this day for us, just to fall in love.
You'll hold me in your arms,
and say once again you'll love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.

Now, I belong to you,
from this day until forever.
Just love me tenderly and I'll give to you
every part of me.
Oh! Don't ever make me cry,
through long lonely nights without us.
Be always true to me, keep this day
in your heart eternally.
You hold me in your arms, and say
once again you love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.☆


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