
* Goodbye 錯得太多 你自作你自受

說謊都需要講對手 放手不需要等太久

Goodbye 你天生不羈 我都有自由

我走 拜託另覓女友 你走 別著像怪獸

# 我說得瀟灑與輕鬆 努力去自控

我假裝真的看通 Oh No 有過的愛突然間失了蹤

發現大腦真空 @ 即使傷心得希望痛哭

自尊卻不批准我失控 Oh No 這一分鐘這樣難受


Repeat *

Ya seen him creeping, cheating,

running round the bar But girl don't shed a tear coz

you're a superstar You're better off without,

you're bad by ya self Go findyourself another,

put that scrub back on the shelf Smile tonight,

you look good, you feel great Don't waste your time,

ain't no need to play ya hate You loved to love him,

that was clear,say goodbye Girl, tonight, your look can fly

Repeat # @

* Hit the dance floor, run a microphone check

As the DJ spins don'e even begin to let

That other get the best of you From so many others, girl,

tonight you've got to choose

Now lose the loser you gotta choose a new love for life

You and your crew are looking find tonight

See you caught his eye Let the scrub go,

girl, say goodbye Repeat @ *



* Goodbye 錯得太多 你自作你自受

說謊都需要講對手 放手不需要等太久

Goodbye 你天生不羈 我都有自由

我走 拜託另覓女友 你走 別著像怪獸

# 我說得瀟灑與輕鬆 努力去自控

我假裝真的看通 Oh No 有過的愛突然間失了蹤

發現大腦真空 @ 即使傷心得希望痛哭

自尊卻不批准我失控 Oh No 這一分鐘這樣難受


Repeat *

Ya seen him creeping, cheating,

running round the bar But girl don't shed a tear coz

you're a superstar You're better off without,

you're bad by ya self Go findyourself another,

put that scrub back on the shelf Smile tonight,

you look good, you feel great Don't waste your time,

ain't no need to play ya hate You loved to love him,

that was clear,say goodbye Girl, tonight, your look can fly

Repeat # @

* Hit the dance floor, run a microphone check

As the DJ spins don'e even begin to let

That other get the best of you From so many others, girl,

tonight you've got to choose

Now lose the loser you gotta choose a new love for life

You and your crew are looking find tonight

See you caught his eye Let the scrub go,

girl, say goodbye Repeat @ *



其他文章共 10 篇

短篇故事:1篇, 歌曲:9篇

最新公開文章 :     雙腳著地 (02年6月)
    Goodbye (02年6月)
    誰來愛我 (02年6月)
    何苦 (02年6月)
    最新消息 (02年6月)
    祖兒廿二歲生日 (02年6月)
    不容錯失 (02年6月)
    這分鐘更愛你 (02年6月)
    逃避你 (02年6月)
    未知 (02年6月)

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