
Nice to meet you
My name is Tina
I born in HK
but I went to study in USA in 2000
I miss HK so much
especially my close friends la
I have 4 close friends now
I am happy that I have them ^_^
They support all the time
Thx so much ^_^
They are Brenda Jennifer Cal and Kennex. ^_^
They are all nice people and They are all in HK and they are all Chinese ^_^
I have 3 brothers and I am the youngest one in my family.
But I don't want to be the youngest
YOu may ask why right??
Want to know ask me OK?
I like to eat CHocolate's food
DimSum I love that
and many delicious food I also like to eat ^_^ I like to listen music or songs that makes me feel better when I am sad
I like Pink blue orange and purple these color
I love Japan. If I have any chances I will go to Japan once. ^_^
Then go to France
My favorite singers are Andy Lau, Kelly CHen and Sammi and some other favorite singers

其他文章共 58 篇

短篇故事:40篇, 長篇小說:3篇, 隨筆:1篇, 歌曲:1篇, 私人情信:6篇, 其他:7篇

最新公開文章 :     Feeling to Monte (04年11月)
    Feeling to J (04年11月)
    Personal Trainers (04年1月)
    Want him back (03年10月)
    知心朋友 4 (03年7月)
    知心朋友 3 (03年7月)
    知心朋友 2 (03年7月)
    知心朋友 1 (03年7月)
    ~CLOSE FRIEND~ (03年7月)
    失業漢跳樓暴屍四句鐘無人理 (03年6月)
    動物病傳人威脅大 (03年6月)
    Break Up with each other (03年5月)
    Feelings (03年4月)
    Love Story (03年4月)
    上環站曾經鬧鬼............ (03年3月)
    東成戲院鬧鬼事件真相~ (03年3月)
    前世今生占卜 (03年3月)
    "愛" (03年3月)
    鄭秀文自傳 ~患 難 見 真 情 4 (03年2月)
    鄭秀文自傳 ~性 格 分 歧 3 (03年2月)

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