
These days dunno why... many friends asked me the questions about luv... i dun haf too much expriences... why asked me? haha.. sounds weird... LOL~!! although i can't really solve the problems for them... but i would give them a hand... since they are my friends. To be friends, should care and luv each other, if not, then they are not the true friends for ya.

"The one who put the shit on your head may not be your enemy, and the one who remove the shit from your head may not be your friends!" I love this sentence soooo much... hohoo~!

Last nite I was talking phone with my friend, he told me that he has planned how to give the gift to his ideal girl... of coz he has asked for my help... and my friends' help too... hoohoo~ such a silly guy! -_-||||
And he asked me a question... do I have any X... haah... honestly i dunno whether he is the X for me or what... but i think the possibility for me and him is soooo low, manh... such a shity thing... damn! I am so confused about this... may be i am just a little fans of him... but sometimes the feeling does come up in my mind~ yup.. just sometimes... and this did not happened recently... does it mean that he has run away from my heart? haha... i dunno.. just let it be~ may be i can meet someone better in the coming days~
and I talked with my ex-X last nite too... i wish we can be good friends again in the future... coz he is really a good boy... honestly... although i have wasted such a long time on him with no returns... but i wish our friendship never end... not due to anyone... or any events... well... take care guys!

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