"; } ?>

You're looking good, I haven't seen you for a long time,
How've you been, I like the way you have your hair,
But something has changed,
And I can see a woman in your eyes, and in your smile;
Remember when we'd always be together,
And we believed this love would never die,
And ever since then,
I've often wondered how I'd feel if we should meet again;
Well you look beautiful, you look wonderful,
You're like an angel heaven sent to me,
You look beautiful, you look wonderful,
I've got a feeling this was meant to be;
When we broke apart, we both set off to find the world,
And face the storms of life, I thought I heard you calling,
When your ship hit the rocks,
And here we are, survivors from the sea, just you and me, out on the beach;
If you have time, let's get a cup of coffee,
And talk about all the feelings that we share,
'Cos when there's still love,
You know it from the moment that you see those eyes again;
And you look beautiful, you look wonderful,
You're like an angel heaven sent to me,
You look beautiful, you look wonderful,
I've got a feeling this was meant to be;
Yes, I know it, this was meant to be,
You look wonderful,
Now I know it, this was meant to be.


其他文章共 13 篇

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最新公開文章 :     Autumn - 2 (03年9月)
    花滿樓 (03年5月)
    相見何益? (03年4月)
    給素昧平生的Mario君 (03年4月)
    Autumn (02年11月)
    Regarding Ding Dong (02年10月)
    You look beautiful (02年10月)
    I miss you (02年9月)
    葉子, 風, 樹 (轉載) (02年9月)
    遺忘在風中 (02年9月)
    Why Worry (02年4月)
    She walks in beauty (01年11月)
    叮噹的結局(轉載) (01年11月)

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