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Homosexuality and the demoralization
In the later period of ancient Roman Empire, there are the homosexuality, drugs, sexual liberation and so on. It is similar to the the United States and Canada. The human’s moral is decaying, such as the homosexuality. In Zhuan Falun, the master said, “Even the homosexuality, sexual liberation, drugs and other things came out.” The problem of lust, including the homosexuality, always perplexing the western society and it is hard to get rid of it. In the name of the homosexuality, the people yield themselves up, and it is the “sexual liberation”. In God eyes, it is as bad as taking drugs. Is it a serious problem?
The homosexuality is the low-level desire, just the same as the people who with the moral degeneration. If you don’t get rid of it, your moral is going to decaying. Without the master’s mercy, there is no chance to get into the Fa. Because “in history or in high-level space, people can practice or not, and the people's desire and eroticism are important, so we have no demands for these things.”(Zhuan Falun)
“The xinxing is the key to increasing the Gong energy.” If you don’t get rid of the homosexuality, your level is low. If you stay at the low level, you can’t realize the truth in the high level. In order to solve the basic problem, the master teaches the Fa. So the people don’t spend a long time in getting rid of the homosexual desire. Therefore, I suggest that the homosexual fellow devotee should see themselves as a true follower of Fa, and follow the Fa in a right way.

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