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其他網誌   教育 (學習 » 綜合)

She also described what she stated was “sexualisation of female students” by male teachers, given the school’s dress code which requires pupils to have their socks “above and covering their ankles” and a skort no shorter than 10cm with the knee.

She stated teachers would “purposefully seem up” students’ skorts - shorts with a fabric lining resembling a skirt covering in front - to see if they had been of an “appropriate length”, while college students ended up told their sock lengths “should not be long enough to cover your knees, or else we would search like Japanese schoolgirls”.

A 12 months 12 student explained lecturers would often “make entertaining of students’ Asian names”.

“A lot of us would switch to an English name,” she reported.

She added some students felt awkward when their uniforms ended up checked by a male teacher.

“There is a person particular teacher who would go around and tell pupils to stand up, and he will put his hands from your leg.”

Another senior scholar at KGV said many of his peers experienced described the act of scrutinising students’ uniform length as “dehumanising”.

Want to study in Hong Kong. is the only institution which focuses on professional teacher education through academic and research programmes in Hong Kong.

“It makes them feel like an object that is being measured,” he explained.

KGV has about one,800 college students in the college yr 2019-20 according to government figures, with about 21 per cent being locals. Fees range between HK$133,800 (US$17,260) and HK$140,700 per university student annually.

A parent reported she found KGV to be inclusive and without “serious racism”, adding that she believed the rules for woman uniforms were reasonable.

“[The principal] has introduced new rules on uniforms, including on the length of skorts and university socks,” she explained.

Many international students come looking for the best universities to study in Hong Kong.

“I realize that learners do not like these rules. But before, the skorts had been really short and they wore different types of socks and shoes. Now they have rules to follow and that is what a uniform should be.”

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She added: “KGV students should appreciate what they have and work hard on what they should be as college students from the faculty … I do hope that KGV can remain peaceful.”

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