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Many times, in the past is unable to miss, lost the yellow small photos, the voice of the phone in the sound of the sound gradually blurred memory in the face gradually blurred, reach out and grasp anything. However, there is always something left at the end of our lives.
Deep shallow trace, when the mind is brushed, do not feel pain, only a warm! Drinking coffee, bitter taste, recalling the happiness and sadness of the past, although everything has become the past, but still feel that a true and moving, so the tears is so low in the coffee the cup, transparent liquid! "When you can not help the tears flow out, if it can be inverted, so that it would flow out, the eyes, do not blink, you will see the world from fuzzy to clear the entire process, but then tears the moment become crystal clear! Sometimes love is too long, people will be drunk, sometimes hate too long, people will be broken; sometimes waiting too long, people will dry up! Love too long, the heart will break it? In fact, love for a long time, has become a habit, not the passion of love, but also let a person heart? Hate too long, the heart will break it?
In fact, love and hate in a nidea, hate for a long time, perhaps is another piece of the sky, wait too long, the heart will dry? Although time dilute everything, but the heart is in its original location, in its way, it's speed, persistent and jumping...... Sometimes waiting is not better, it is difficult to look forward to the mood of language expression. I always thought that a person worthy of your care, worth your care is a happy thing, because the owners are often not the best, so do not know how to cherish, fly in the blue sky road kites distressed, but also let the human attachment...... Some people say that love is not adventure, but when we have a love note adventure, but had to separate, go for the final, from the beginning and students to each other. I believe this. I believe this point, people want, and then far miss each other. No people, and so far and near horizon. All love will expire, the key is that it resides where, if it stays at once, it only belongs to this point; if it stays in your heart, it will become eternal, and even beyond your life.
Has always thought that happiness in the distance, in the future can be pursued, and later found that those who embrace the person, shook hands, sing the song, the tears flow through the tears, loved the people, is happy. In countless night, said the words, played the phone, missing people, the flow of tears...... To see or not see the moving, we have passed, and then in the time of the shuttle, all become eternal! Perhaps, everyone will always keep some things, such as a light smile, for example, the continuous forward. Always let the heart of the most transparent tears will not melt, those tears are pure and transparent, leaving a trace of the age. This kind of scene is warm, let the time forget to flow, let the tears forget the temperature. We are happy to stay in the mouth, we will encounter the "financial" in the eyes, we let the farewell to the feet, we will stay in the heart of the past, all will become memories......

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