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Sake to be made from rice as the key sake tasting hong kong raw material, is the sake, this kind of wine is generally not very easy to drink, but very easy to accidentally get drunk, as opposed to girls tend to be a lot, the following take the big guys look at the sake Daiginjo represents what does it mean?

Sake a taste
Japanese sake is mostly shown as bitmain antminer s19 pro for sale light yellow or no color, bright color, pleasant aroma, soft and delicious, authentic taste, a good combination of sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and astringent, colorful taste, strong texture, taste with a sense of excellence. Being a type of sake made from pure rice, it is extremely strong after drinking, just like wine. It is a typical thick, thin-haired pure grain sake with a strong finish.

What does Sake Daiginjo mean?
The higher the level of polishing, the Ngau Tam Mei smaller the part of the rice core that remains, and the sake-the sake-the smoother and more delicate it is, and the softer it tastes. Sake can be divided into two classes based on the rice step: ginjo and daiginjo.

The difference between Daiginjo and Ginjo
(1) Ginjo
Ginjyoshu is a sake made from rice that has been poured into 60% of the rice, and this level of sake has a stronger aroma and lighter flavor.
(2) Daiginjo
Daiginjo is the pinnacle of Japanese sake, especially pure rice Daiginjo, which is made with 50% rice and 50% or more of the rice residue. Summary: When buying, you can first choose Daiginjo Sake (such as Junmai Daiginjo), and then also consider Ginjo Sake. You can also compare the chart, the closer to the top of the pyramid the higher the quality of the sake.


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