
I guess you wouldn't think that radio frequency energy would be making waves in the beauty industry? But, it is. A device that uses RFE is being used in the Thermalcool procedure. If you don't know what Thermacool is, then you haven't had your ear to the station. Thermacool is the new non-surgical procedure that gives men and women a healthy alternative to surgical facelifts. The process tightens your skin by contracting the deep layers of skin. Thermacool is also known on the market as Thermalift and Thermage. Let's call it Thermacool because it sounds hip.

Two thumbs up! That's the rating The Food and Drug Administration is giving Thermacool. The FDA's approval is leading to the procedures widespread use. Doctors and their patients believe Thermcool irons out wrinkles and reduces sagging skin. The face is the best place to use Thermacool, however it is used on the neck and arms as well. It is a good treatment anywhere there is loose skin. Some folks are using it under the arms and to treat stretch marks on the abdomen and hips.

60-Year Old Lynn Shores had a treatment six months ago and is looking forward to having another one in about three more months. She says, "I was looking twice my age! I had the procedure done because I wanted to look younger and prettier in my face." Shores began to see results about two months after having the treatment. She is among a growing number of people who believe the benefits of Thermacool far outweigh the risks. Thermacool may cause some discomfort but the risk of surgery, anesthesia and scarring are less than with surgical procedures. In fact, some people say the procedure really doesn't hurt that much at all.

So you may be wondering how does it work? It takes anywhere from thirty to forty five minutes to complete the Thermacool procedure. Most patients' only need a topical anesthetic cream placed on the face. Your technician will do that about an hour before the treatment is scheduled to begin. Other people may need Valium or some other kind of oral sedative. "I was just so jittery about having it done, says 35 year old Marc Thompson. I didn't know if it would improve my appearance or make it worst. I guess men are just not supposed to try these things, but I took my wife's recommendation." Thermacool is not any different from any other surgical procedure if you need a stronger sedative, you'll need an anesthesiologist to administer the dose.

As I mentioned, Thermacool uses radio frequency energy to apply heat under the epidermis or top layer of the skin. The heat is applied directly into the dermis layer. The dermis layer is right under the epidermis. I could feel a warming on my face. It felt unusual. I couldn't do anything but lay still," says Tonya Morgan.

You'll want to lay still too as the heat causes the tissue in the dermis layer to warm up. This controlled heating of deeper layers of skin and tissue causes the skin to contract and tighten. This is known as volumetric tissue heating. There is some pain every time there is a pulse, but a cooling spray brings some relief after each pulse.

The volumetric tissue heating causes the collagen underneath the skin tissue to contract and shrink. At the same time, the top layer of the skin is kept cool by cryogen cooling. Cryogen cooling keeps the temperature on the surface of the skin cool while the dermis tissues are heated up. The heating action causes two reactions. The first result is an increased thickness in the top layer of skin. It's the heating that actually causes works to reduce the wrinkles.

The second result is collagen remolding and the production of new collagen. The skin continues to tighten over time as the skin heals. You may be able to see a difference in your appearance immediately. However, it takes most people up to six months to see a difference. It is possible for the procedure to be repeated again after six months. You should let your technicians take before and after pictures to help you see any subtle changes.

Now, you're probably wondering whether Thermacool, Thermage and Thermalift are right for you. Patient's who live on a pacemaker cannot undergo the procedure; it's just too risky. You may want to pass on the procedure if your skin is really, really loose. Surgery may be your only hope. However, Thermacool works best in combination with laser treatments, Botox, resytlane, and collagen injections. Traditional eye, forehead and eyebrow surgeries also work well with Thermacool.

Research shows Thermacool works! If it didn't the FDA wouldn't have given it a nod. Patients wouldn't have issued a strong endorsement either. "I've never felt better about myself. I know most people would be afraid to try a procedure like this, but not me! I'm all for looking younger and healthier. The best part is how good I feel about me," says Shores.

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