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People first entered the world, pure and innocent. When you first came to know the world, everything was fresh and you saw what it was. People told Hill that they knew the mountain and told the water to know the water and told the flowers and trees that they knew about the flowers and the trees. As we grow older and experience more and more things, we find that the problems in this world are increasing and becoming more and more complex. We often see black and white inversions, non-confusion, unreasonable travel to the world, reason and difficulty, good people have no good news, and evil people. Awkward. At this time, people are indignant, doubtful, and complex and vigilant.

They are not willing to believe anything easily. Then there was the feeling of seeing the mountains, watching the water sigh, watching wood and stone flowering sorrows and joys, borrowing ancient irony today, referring to mulberry. Standing on this hill, you can see the height of the mountain, compare with others, compete for strength, behave, behave, be a brain, never meet the day. A lot of people pursue their lives, work hard for life, live high-spirited lives, and finally find that they do not achieve their ideals and will hate their lives for the rest of their lives. The wise person, through cultivation, cleans the soul, enhances the consciousness realm, is willing to be natural, and is good at doing things. Concentrate on what you should do. Do not care about other people. Let your reddish tumult. I laugh in the face of the mundane world the pavilia bay.

Purify the soul, forgive others, treat yourself well, and have . Forgiving others is not easy. Injury, heartache, incompetence, intense emotions, anger burning, tit-for-tat, and fish dead, are clearly undesirable, and should be treated with calm and compassion. Forgiveness is a good cure for pain.

There is no need to worry about what happened in the past. If you care too much about the negative effects of others, you will lose valuable energy to realize your dreams. When I forgive my heart, I will be able to do my own thing with a new and respectful attitude and face the people and things around me. Purifying the mind is the key to breaking through the layers of obstacles and aspire to a noble civilization, cultivating spiritual flowers with good virtues, and accepting an extremely joyful feeling. And when you plant joyful sensation in your feelings, there will be an Oasis flowing in your heart, and will nourish your life forever, and you will feel happy and bright prospects.
陳100 : (+賴:yu477)19歲年輕單親媽媽求激情雪白新鮮的奶水小孩還在哺乳中,還有奶水哦,加我看照片
於 18年4月 回應

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