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其他網誌   Technology (科技產品 » 綜合)
Sensor function packaging

You can track the number of pills remaining in the container and send an alert through the smartphone app when you need to take or reorder a prescription. The same technique can be used to prevent dehydration: the sensor can track the amount of liquid remaining in the container and alert the elderly when another drink is needed.

A single pill (about the size of a pea) can also be embedded in an ingestible sensor. After the pill reaches the stomach, it sends a signal to an external device (such as a patch attached to the body) to ensure the correct dosage and usage. patches record data and relay it to patients and healthcare professionals. patients can also access information through smartphone applications so they can see their condition and strive to improve their habits.

Smarter and safer home

Connected appliances are becoming more common. According to Gartner's survey, four years from now, a typical family home may contain up to 500 smart devices. These gadgets with sensors include ovens, refrigerators, thermostats, lighting equipment and security systems-all connected to the Internet, allowing people to monitor and control the house wherever they are.

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These technologies have the potential to make life easier for the elderly (especially those with limited mobility). The intelligent lighting system in philips Hue, for example, can automatically dim to illuminate the home to help the elderly fall asleep and wake up gently. Individuals can make further adjustments through the smartphone application.

The benefits of IoT technology for the elderly are not just about convenience: they can also improve safety and security. The alarm system equipped with the Internet of Things can detect home intruders and call emergency contacts or emergency personnel in the event of adverse events such as kitchen fires or even falls.

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According to the US Centers for Disease Control and prevention, in the United States, elderly people fall every 11 seconds in the emergency room. The study also found that every 19 minutes, an elderly person dies from a fall. Now, infrared sensors placed on the walls and ceilings of houses can detect human activities without using cameras. Researchers are approaching the development of sensor systems that can determine the difference between grandchildren ’s play and the elderly ’s risky leaks.

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